How cool is this for innovative advocacy with lots of incredible exercise thrown in? Bike and Build organizes cross-country bike trips which benefit affordable housing groups. They have donated more than $3.3million over the last 9 years, biked over 5 million miles, taken riding breaks to contribute over 100,000 building hours towards affordable homes, and engaged over 1500 young adults. All the while raising awareness about the affordable housing crisis in America.
Answer: Very cool.

The map above shows the 2012 biking routes–there are 10 total for this year. The website does a great job of providing interactive information including real time maps of the routes. The riders can journal and share pictures with viewers. Two of the routes this year ride through Washington state with one ending in Seattle. The Seattle ride alone is raising $133,405 for affordable housing.
Cheer them on if you happen to see them on the road!